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Friday, April 15, 2005



I have problems with the whole argument. The tax rate or multiple tax rates has little or nothing to do with compexity in the tax system.
The complexity comes from defining what is income and how would shifting to a flat tax impact that?

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Enjoyed the diary, although I, too, about The flat-tax revolution.
have a nice day!!!


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They argue a flat tax is a serious and practical alternative to current tax codes. The piece briefly addresses the two main objections. First, in response to the argument that a flat tax is 'Fine in theory, just not practical in the real world,' they respond that in Estonia and eight other countries it "seems to be working as well in practice as it does on the blackboard." The second objection is that a flat tax would undermine the progressive nature of income tax:

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Support. Come on! Everything will be ok.

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