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Friday, October 14, 2005


Claus Vistesen

I think this is an important topic and the American-China economic relationship is very interesting in these days. One major point is for example how the new fed director will narrate the American account deficit; a lack of thrift or unfair Chinese currency management ... The most important point in the Economist article in my opinion is the following point:

"The government is caught in a bind. It needs the export sector to continue booming, in order to absorb surplus labour from the countryside and moribund state-owned companies (...) It may also help China to develop domestic demand that can take up the slack when America’s appetite for cheap goods falters, as it inevitably must given the paucity of its national savings."

The dynamics of American comsumption is a key factor in this topic and with inflation creeping up, rates on the rise and a house slump in the near future Chinese reforms may be well needed.


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