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Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Ajay Shah

My column in Business Standard today was about this --


Michael Cain

This is an interesting contrast to the more usual article one sees that asserts that the fact that India graduates more engineering students than the US is the death knell for high-tech in the US, but does not consider that quality as well as quantity matters.

Claus Vistesen

This is an interesting topic because with such a large population you should not have expected shortages on the supply side ...

The Economist points to the same issue in their latest article on India and outsourcing/offshoring - (subscription only)


"Yet the supply of talent may be the biggest constraint on the Indian industry's growth. On these latest projections, the number of people working in IT and business-process exports in India will increase from about 700,000 now to 2.3m by 2010. But on today's estimates only 1.05m suitably qualified people will graduate from college between now and then, so there will be a shortfall of nearly 500,000, with business-processing the worst affected."

Could this stop India's growth or is it a structural problem which is easily sovled ... ?

Movie Guy

Nice post.

Ken Houghton

I hate to be obvious, but:

Currently, only about "10- 15 percent of general college graduates are suitable for employment'' in the outsourcing industry, it says

How can 85-90% of college graduates be "unsuitable" for the outsourcing industry? And, presuming (reasonably, if not accurately) that they are suited for something else, would not those areas be identifiable as growth industries for the Indian economy--and therefore something to target, while the lower-value call centers are outsourced to Malawi and Zimbabwe?


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Very interesting post.it's more useful article for sees that asserts that the fact that India graduates more engineering students.Now
Higher Education is how is going,so suited for something and there will be business-processing the worst affected.Thanks for helpful information.


The business courses has been very useful to the graduates who strive to get jobs in multi national companies. The administration courses are now being taught by many universities.

 Matt Smalls

The Logistic courses will help out the pupils to have more imminent knowledge about statistics and product shipping. These courses are quite known in developed countries.

 Matt Smalls

The business courses will assist the graduates to be more skilled and will aid them to work remarkably. The skill training and assessment conducted in this sector will facilitate the graduates to gain more idea in the field of management.


Good thing that the call centers may soon run out of employable graduates for their burgeoning call centre industry,this is a good work for the graduates who will definitely take advantage from this and they will get a lot of the help from this one,so the things you share are really good and great to read.

Jordan Big Fund

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 Matt Smalls

The business courses are honored by all and a lot of students are enrolling to these guidance as it will make credible for the students to get promoted without any difficulty.


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