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Thursday, January 26, 2006


geographer in the styx

Having found this blog on a google search......When I first read the final comment "the sensible public policy response might be to reduce regional assistance and spend the money on improving transport links with London instead", my immediate thought was they author must be based in London, and yes! lo and behold, comment from a 'London based economist'. I'm continually depressed by the London-centric view that dominates many people who could perhaps be in a position to advise those in power about Regional Policy. I wonder if they have ever left London long enough to realise that there are tens of millions people outside of Greater London, who would consider an extended commute to London an asinine solution to the 'Regional problem'. There are many instances where strong a regional re-distribution leads to stronger national economy - Germany springs to mind. Maybe a solution would be to break the strong geographical proximity between Government and the 'City'- as the Government always seems to have a tendancy to do what good for the 'City' rather that the regions....??


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