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Friday, June 02, 2006



correctomundo!!!! hedge funds are the scurge of the world, and wnen left-brain individuals look at the overall finance "globally" situation now, this is an era that no one in the world has experienced, and truly to take profits quarterly and not reinvest it, but align with a hedge fund, that really is only for the "fat cats", that's aggregious and demonstrates poor economic dealings. All countries are only use to "existing within their "shaky" economic state, but now, the lession will be learned, if we are smart, we will use our bartering skills and hope CHINA won't make us unpaid slaves. Hey, what goes around comes around.... Great Britian and the U.S. for the most part folks are right-brainers!! It's time for the world to be guided by the scientist, humanists, and philosophiers, and people who want to keep their heritage without being "subliminally induced to settle for what they feel is the "goodl ife"and be culturally raped. Quick example: India, the major auto makers are looking to sale their "atomospheric killing" cars there, can you imaging if 2 in 5 folks had cars!!!!

retro jordan 5

I like your article! You are a very idea of people, you should put your ideas to share with the people ah!

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