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Tuesday, November 21, 2006



Hardly surprising, really. It's the old problem that a group of recognized 'experts' aren't exactly disinterested in the stuff they're qualified to comment on. Well, that and Rupert Murdoch, naturally.

I wouldn't be surprised if prime minister Brown cuts taxes anyway. Feel good factor, business getting back on side, cut the Tory narrative about tax-and-spend Brown to shreds in one fell swoop... Where he'd find the money I don't know, but I think that'd be the clever political move.


"Where he'd find the money I don't know, but I think that'd be the clever political move."

What politicians give with one hand, they take back with the other as regards taxes. Within a month of having cut income taxes, he'll announce a series of "directed" taxes, on cigarettes, petrol, toilet-paper, etc. ... ; ^ )

If Europe wanted to give consumers a shot in the arm, it would reduce the VAT to less than 10%. Of course, that is not going to happen. Too many Civil Servants would have to be shown the door to balance the budget. (Which, of itself, might not be such a bad idea on its own.)


"What politicians give with one hand, they take back with the other as regards taxes. Within a month of having cut income taxes, he'll announce a series of "directed" taxes, on cigarettes, petrol, toilet-paper, etc."

Oh, undoubtedly. But honestly, my money is on a headline tax cut, with stealth taxes going up elsewhere a few months later when everyone's stopped paying attention. This is, after all, the plan that served the Tories so well in '87 and '92.


Never have so many paid so much for so little.

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