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Monday, December 11, 2006



One clarification:

The report is only about earnings *variation*.

The last sentence "Neither genes nor the environment in which we are raised determine (most of) our future earnings" is therefore not correct. It may lead to the conclusion that the *height* of your earnings can not be explained by the two factors.

Children of two doctors have a higher probabilty of earning 60.000 USD/GBP/EUR later, but with an income of 60.000 and 80.000 they have the same variation as two children for a working calls family that get 12.000 and 16.000 per year.

The last sentence is somewhat misleading. At least it was for me (until I digged a bit deeper).


I recall a study, done in the seventies, that found a direct corellation between height and executive earnings.

Another found no relationship between earnings and any particular university from which a person graduated. The fact that an individual does have an university degree does seem to pertain.

I can't for the life of me find it anywhere on the net. A shame, because in my experience, both findings makes a lot of sense.

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