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Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Marcin Tustin

This may be a good proxy for those who do not have much education, or who do not have jobs and lifestyles that involve negotiation and managing relationsips. So, once again we see the poor getting it in the neck.

NE: I wish social scientists would make greater efforts to find test subjects who are representative of the hypothesis they are testing

I suggest that the findings (of college students) are interesting. That is they are necessary but insufficient.

I would further suggest that the “control group” be polled once again at five year intervals until the age of 40/45. This would give a progression of data over a sufficiently long period to see if opinions were age dependent.

I suspect (intuitively) that women learn to assert themselves more forcefully with age/experience. And, now that I think of it ... men too.

It would also be interesting to see if self-assertion is level-of-education dependent.


Fully agreed. College students? What a poor sample. In fact I believe there are 2 other factors that are not included, although I have only read the post and not the paper. Negotiation strategy is paramount. One cannot expect something to be given by just asking. Furthermore, if the initiator makes an artless demand, all the more likely they will be taken advantage of, as they've made their naivete quite plain. Second, and please forgive me, but how influential is physical appearance. I believe very.

brk: "One cannot expect something to be given by just asking."

Said like a male.

Females are brought up to do exactly that, wait for life to be handed to them by a male.

The question is societal. Look at Hofstede’s work on cultural diversity and particularly the component of “Masculinity”. Compare your country’s results, in that component, with that of others, and you just might have a small idea of the cultural constraint that females are up against.


I apologize for not being clearer. My comments were independant of the study's results. Although the study does reveal disturbing trends between men and women (this cannot be confined to job interviews), it could be more representative of the hypothesis. Progression data is very useful but this is hardly sufficient. Industry specific data would also reveal deeper trends not found in a general study. For example, medicine may be fairer to women than, say, law.

vs: Industry specific data would also reveal deeper trends not found in a general study. For example, medicine may be fairer to women than, say, law.

I doubt you could get a representative sample, from each country, of women by each industry.

They are waiting, perhaps, to be asked to be employed ... ?

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