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Saturday, June 23, 2007



It is nice to know that sourcing decisions should not be based only on cost arbitrage grounds,because it'll help to focus on the quality.I too expecting good grow phase in KPO and EPO in the near future..
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I've used brokers who have "outsourced" client assistance. They are even worse than the kind that don't. I wont be going back.

In fact, I've pretty much given up on being a "market participant". I am keen to let it all ride in Index Funds and let the Good Lord sort out the rest.

My only concern is a major turn down in the market, for which one must remain at least aware of general trends. But, "beating the market" is simply not worth the effort required and leads only to useless account churning. Also, there is the question "beat which market".

Europe has been on a roll and Index Funds show handsome profits across the board. One is inclined to believe that the oommph has got to end sometime with European European equity markets. But, diversifying into Far East funds? Well such investments are not for the faint of heart given the frenzy seen there.

Also, this week's article in the The Economist about how brokers no longer can afford "buy side" research is telling. Well worth the read, if you want to understand why they are off-shoring much of their client interface.

If one does not have more than a million dollars to invest, then they are just "Joe Average" to most brokerage firms in America and Europe.


I guess there’s not much to be surprised here: Financial service firms know the bottomline of business decisions, and the need to add value to the topline: Many are realizing how Offshoring IT Services provides the benefits; right?

Mohan: Many are realizing how Offshoring IT Services provides the benefits; right?

Yes, we realize. The question remains, nonetheless, "for who?"


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