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Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Gabriel M.

*Very* nice work! For graduates and undergraduates.
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Most new-Keynesians are Friedmanians too.
This"New-Old-Keynesianism"of Prof.Farmer brings a different sort of "perfect foresight" equilibria! I suspect it as old wine in new bottle or "KLASSICAL"
in nature.


Just bring back gold and silver and get politicians and crooked bankers OUT OF THE MONEY BUSINESS and restore it the people and free markets.

1) Why do we WANT to pay interest on the use of our OWN money?

2) Why do we want to suffer ANY inflation whatsoever, when specie increases buying power with savings from innovation and prices FALL, as in the almost full last qtr of the 1800's. Yup that competititon squeezing the big's profit, ergo the call for the ICC, Fed & Inc Taxes.

YOU FRAUDS only seek to muddy economics with equations to justify statism, your bosses.

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Last post a bit harsh. Interest is important for many industries.

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