We know a lot about the Chinese economy - but how do the Chinese think? What do they discuss? Are they all Maoist automatons, or is there a lively debate occurring which Western observors are barely aware of? Veteran think tanker Mark Leonard favours the latter view, which he puts forward at some length in his new book, What does China think?
This is also the lead story in the March 2008 issue of Prospect magazine. Leonard makes some inteersting points in his cover piece, China's new intelligentsia. He documents the shift away from Deng's 'growth at any price' approach, as 'new left' views gain ground. Here are some excerpts from the article:
I had imagined that China's intellectual life consisted of a few unbending ideologues in the back rooms of the Communist party or the country's top universities. Instead, I stumbled on a hidden world of intellectuals, think-tankers and activists, all engaged in intense debate about the future of their country. I soon realised that it would take more than a few visits to Beijing and Shanghai to grasp the scale and ambition of China's internal debates. Even on that first trip my mind was made up—I wanted to devote the next few years of my life to understanding the living history that was unfolding before me.
Over a three-year period, I have spoken with dozens of Chinese thinkers, watching their views develop in line with the breathtaking changes in their country. Some were party members; others were outside the party and suffering from a more awkward relationship with the authorities. Yet to some degree, they are all insiders. They have chosen to live and work in mainland China, and thus to cope with the often capricious demands of the one-party state.
We are used to China's growing influence on the world economy—but could it also reshape our ideas about politics and power? This story of China's intellectual awakening is less well documented. We closely follow the twists and turns in America's intellectual life, but how many of us can name a contemporary Chinese writer or thinker? Inside China—in party forums, but also in universities, in semi-independent think tanks, in journals and on the internet—debate rages about the direction of the country: "new left" economists argue with the "new right" about inequality; political theorists argue about the relative importance of elections and the rule of law; and in the foreign policy realm, China's neocons argue with liberal internationalists about grand strategy. Chinese thinkers are trying to reconcile competing goals, exploring how they can enjoy the benefits of global markets while protecting China from the creative destruction they could unleash in its political and economic system. Some others are trying to challenge the flat world of US globalisation with a "walled world" Chinese version.
Paradoxically, the power of the Chinese intellectual is amplified by China's repressive political system, where there are no opposition parties, no independent trade unions, no public disagreements between politicians and a media that exists to underpin social control rather than promote political accountability. Intellectual debate in this world can become a surrogate for politics—if only because it is more personal, aggressive and emotive than anything that formal politics can muster. While it is true there is no free discussion about ending the Communist party's rule, independence for Tibet or the events of Tiananmen Square, there is a relatively open debate in leading newspapers and academic journals about China's economic model, how to clean up corruption or deal with foreign policy issues like Japan or North Korea.
Although the internet is heavily policed, debate is freer here than in the printed word (although one of the most free-thinking bloggers, Hu Jia, was recently arrested). And behind closed doors, academics and thinkers will often talk freely about even the most sensitive topics, such as political reform.
The Chinese like to argue about whether it is the intellectuals that influence decision-makers, or whether groups of decision-makers use pet intellectuals as informal mouthpieces to advance their own views. Either way, these debates have become part of the political process, and are used to put ideas in play and expand the options available to Chinese decision-makers. Intellectuals are, for example, regularly asked to brief the politburo in "study sessions"; they prepare reports that feed into the party's five-year plans; and they advise on the government's white papers.
So is the Chinese intelligentsia becoming increasingly open and western? Many of the concepts it argues over—including, of course, communism itself—are western imports. And a more independent-minded, western style of discourse may be emerging as a result of the 1m students who have studied outside China—many in the west—since 1978; fewer than half have returned, but that number is rising.
However, one should not forget that the formation of an "intellectual" in China remains very different from in the west. Education is still focused on practical contributions to national life, and despite a big expansion of higher education (around 20 per cent of 18-30 year olds now enrol at university), teaching methods rely heavily on rote learning. Moreover, all of these people will be closely monitored for political dissent, with "political education" classes still compulsory...
And there's plenty more in his piece. Fascinating.
Thanks for this interesting article.
Posted by: spencer | Thursday, March 06, 2008 at 01:47 PM
My problem is with the Olympics and China. The Olympic Committee should be consistent with how they implement and execute their decisions on who gets the Olympics. If China is okay – should Zimbabwe get it next? It will be consistent with what they call “the Olympic” values. Or maybe we should have a closer look at their values – if we can find it. More on this in my blog at
Posted by: Angry African | Thursday, March 06, 2008 at 06:47 PM
Do we really know how we Americans think? So how can we know how China thinks? Our thinking has become so discursive, confused, scattered, superficial and polarized that may be it is time to sit quiet and not talk so much. Just a thought!
Posted by: Mita | Saturday, March 08, 2008 at 05:42 AM
Thanks very much for the interesting article. I live in Hong Kong, and probably an "outsider" of China in a certain sense. It is hard to know what the policy makers in China think. But then, I don't really know what the policy makers in Hong Kong think about too.
Posted by: Louis Cheung | Monday, March 10, 2008 at 03:59 AM
What you'll really have to look for, in my opinion, is how the Olympics go in 2008. China has been waiting for this moment to show their "modernity" to the world. Its success or failure will provide clues to the future of the mainland and CCCP rule.
Posted by: Octavian | Friday, March 21, 2008 at 04:39 AM
Mark Leonard's reporting of Communist Chima's intellectual life sounds awfully like the most productive periods in the intellectual life of Imperial China. In which case we can expect much of the currently important argument to be in disguised, allusive form. Even if we learn to read Chinese fluently, we will need to also pick up a good deal of cultural background to understand what is going on.
Posted by: David Heigham | Thursday, March 27, 2008 at 08:47 PM
Post! Post! Post!
Posted by: Gabriel | Saturday, April 05, 2008 at 09:40 PM
China's award to host the Olympic games was a political test set by the west to see if China would become more democratic and if China did not the countries leaders would be humiliated in front of the whole world ending their rapid growth.
There is no way China can carry on the course it is heading unless they (the people) are allowed proper freedom and the west knows that China's wealth depends upon it's foreign trade which will be hit massively if by the summer they are not democratic and visibly so.
This is why I think handing China the Olympics is a good idea as they either change for the better or be utterly exposed and ruined.
Posted by: seguro auto | Monday, April 07, 2008 at 07:32 PM
I am new to these pages but found that New Economist is an excellent forum. I didn’t read any books by Mark, but will do so soon. He seems to be a promising essay writer.
There is a big difference between the thinking foundations (?) of the mainstream European thinkers and in the rest of the world. This difference is not white and black. There are many gray categories depending on how close some are to the aforesaid “Mainstream European Thinking Foundations (MSETF)”. There is nothing European about this concept—it is universal. By that I mean the non-Europeans can think excellently provided they digest the essence of MSETF.
What is this MSETF? It is simply their (European) theory of knowledge (epistemology) based on reasoning and thinking about the abstracts to make societies and individuals to progress by solving their problems (which are often abstract) rationally without invoking the supernatural. The great philosopher Popper often said that all life is solving problems.
It is this type of theory of knowledge that doesn’t exist in the Orient, including Japan, and also in many parts of the rest of the world. That is, there is no theory of knowledge in these societies comparable to MSETF. While the European philosophers have addressed and thinking about “the relationship between man and the state” since two thousand years, many in the Orient still think about “the relationship between man and GOD” .even now. I am reminded of the frequent trips by several university professors, scientists and politicians etc (in India) to a popular GURU (see GURU BUSTERS of Channel 4 (?) documentary) to seek salvation and solutions to their problems. Also in India (and the Orient) there are many who believe in astrology (and luck) to solve their problems.
This doesn’t mean there are no thinking people (and philosophers) in these countries. We come across many Indian, Japanese and Chinese etc doctors, engineers, scientists and car mechanics who are top class. They can solve problems which are physically tangible. But I have doubts on their ability to grapple with the abstract and speculative issues/problems.
Again, it doesn’t mean that they cannot learn MSETF quickly. They can. However, they are (by and large) not aware of what is there (useful) to learn from the Western and the mainstream European way of thinking to solve problems. I am reminded of a great Indian philosopher (he was at Oxford) who became a great defense advocate of the Indian philosophy instead of exploring what we can learn (that is useful) from the European philosophers, especially from their theory of knowledge. I said once (in one of my essays) that we (Indians) only learnt (from the West) how to eat Idlieies, Dosa and Samosas with a fork and spoon instead of their way of thinking and problem solving. Once again I am aware of an Indian writer who used to wear a tie and a tweed jacket in Calcutta and roam the streets in the midday humid weather!
Can we (Orientals) think? Yes, we can. But it needs a rational and logical framework. Not the literary style of romantic philosophical approach.
Western thinkers, who praise everything in the Orient, are also oblivious to this missing foundation. Academics in many Western universities think that the problem with the students from the Orient is that they cannot speak and write well in English.
I suspect that Mark might have also missed to notice the missing link MSETF.
Posted by: Professor Bill Rao (Sydney) | Saturday, April 12, 2008 at 04:42 AM
I think Joseph Campbell's writing on the Occidental and Oriental belief systems drive the underlying differences. I feel the issue can be better categorized as problem solving approaches that underly philosophical beliefs. The western occidental approach is a change the world to fit to my way versus a more passive patient approach associated with the oriental beliefs.
Posted by: Hank Jestor | Sunday, April 13, 2008 at 11:40 AM
Professor Bill Rao (Sydney) wrote:
"I am reminded of a great Indian philosopher (he was at Oxford) who became a great defense advocate of the Indian philosophy instead of exploring what we can learn (that is useful) from the European philosophers, especially from their theory of knowledge."
Did European scientists try to learn from Indian philosophy? If this is not true, I'd like to say that your conclusion is totally based on double standards and cultural arrogance. I suggest you to read "Race and History" by Claude Lévy-Strausse in order to understand and to appreciate each civilization in the context of their own history. The so-called modern society was invented just several centuries and ago and it's still too early to consider MSETF as the universal axiom. Moreover, as an agnostic, I think your exclusion of supernatural elements from your philosophy system a little too premature and arbitrary.
In my mind, the strength of orientals' thoughts lies on their differences from those of their western counterparts, not on the similarities. It's perhaps time for westerners to open up.
Posted by: Economics student: YU Tuotuo | Friday, June 20, 2008 at 01:13 PM
YU, I tend to agree with professor Rao. Western Civilization learned more useful information from European philosophies, including the Greeks and Romans, than from Asian philosophies, including the Chinese and Indians. In economics, the most successful Asian economies adopted Western methods. However, for example, China still arrogantly believes it's exempt from universal laws, which Western civilizations revealed. Consequently, it seems, China is working for free:
To spur export growth, China received smaller gains of trade (which implies the U.S. received larger gains of trade), and to maintain exports (e.g. through a weaker dollar and diminishing U.S. marginal utility), China received increasingly smaller gains of trade.
China had to sell its goods more cheaply than its Third World competitors to spur output and employment growth, and gain global market share. Also, it had to invest its dollars in the U.S. to maintain output and employment. Consequently, China paid high prices for U.S. Treasury bonds, received low returns, which were negative returns after inflation, and had to exchange more dollars for fewer Yuans from those returns.
Most of the goods offshored to China by U.S. multinationals were heavy goods with declining prices, which required more energy (that were offset by wages) and more volume (to offset falling value). However, China didn't take into account its enormous social costs, which is why it had a profit boom and consumers were able to buy more.
Chinese social costs is a one time "expenditure," which can no longer be used to outcompete other Third World countries. China will need to use some of its gains of trade to pay or "clean" its social costs. So, it seems, China has been working for free, or slightly above or below true costs.
Posted by: Arthur Eckart | Friday, June 20, 2008 at 04:19 PM
Great article. For readers' possible interest, here is a link to a newly-released research bulletin which examines China's economic outlook:
Posted by: Gary | Saturday, July 05, 2008 at 10:32 AM
China had to sell its goods more cheaply than its Third World competitors to spur output and employment growth, and gain global market share. Also, it had to invest its dollars in the U.S. to maintain output and employment. Consequently, China paid high prices for U.S. Treasury bonds, received low returns, which were negative returns after inflation, and had to exchange more dollars for fewer Yuans from those returns.
Posted by: kraloyun | Friday, January 23, 2009 at 01:47 PM
Masa, bellirli bir düzeye ayaklar ile destek sağlanarak oturtulan tablalardan meydana gelmiş mobilya ürünüdür. En çok kullanılan masa dört ayak üzerine konumlandırılmış ve dikdörtgen biçimindeki tahta bir düzenekten oluşandır. Masa üzerinde yemek yemek, oyun oynamak, çalışma masası olarak kullanmak gibi bireysel amaçların dışında, farklı kişileri üzerinde toplamak, eşyaları belli bir seviyede tutmak gibi farklı amaçlar güdülerek kullanılabilir
Posted by: masa | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 12:52 PM
Kromtaş Makina Sanayii'nin öncelikli hedefleri üretilen makinelerin kullanışlı ve kaliteli olmasıdır. Tasarımdan makinelerimizin üretimine kadar her aşamada malzeme ve işçiliğimizin kalitesi ön planda tutlmaktadır. Ayrıca çalışma sırasında doğaya ve insana verilebilecek zararların ortadan kaldırılması insana ve çevreye saygı bağlamında üretim ve kalite politikamızın her aşamasına yansımaktadır.
Üretimi gerçekleştiren personelimizin iş sağlığı ve güvenliği en üst düzeyde sağlanmaktadır. Üretim sırasında hem çalışanımıza hem makinelerimizin üretim aşamalarına kötü yansıyacak hiçbir olaya müsaade edilmemekte ve tüm tedbirler alınacak biçimde üretim gereçekleştirilmektedir.
Bu yüzdendir ki Kromtaş Makina'da üretilen makineleri şirketimizin kalite güvencesine itimat ederek gönül rahatlığı ile ve güvenle kullanabilirsiniz.
Kromtaş Makina Sanayii Halı Yıkama Makinaları , Halı yıkama makinası , hali yikama makinesi , hali yikama makineleri , Rulo Santrifüj Halı Sıkma Makinaları , Halı Poşetleme ve Tozalma Makinaları imalatına Yüksek Teknoloji ile devam etmektedir. Halı yıkama makinaları sektöründe halı yıkama makinaları imalatında öncülük yapan firmamız kaliteli ürün üretmeyi hedef haline getirmiştir.
Halı Yıkama Makinaları günümüzde insanoğlu için çok büyük bir kolaylık ve hijyen sağlamaktadır. Halı yıkama makinası nda yıkanan halılar sağlıklı ve hijyenlidir. Sizde bir halı yıkama fabrikası kurmak istiyorsanız HALI YIKAMA MAKİNALARI, HALI YIKAMA MAKİNASI, HALI KURUTMA MAKİNALARI, HALI TOZ ALMA MAKİNALARI imalatı yapan ve halı yıkama makinaları teknolojileri konusunda uzman olan firmamızdan ayrıntılı bilgi alabilirsiniz.
Etiketler : HALI YIKAMA MAKİNASI, HALI YIKAMA MAKİNALARI, halı yıkama makinası, halı yıkama makinaları, halı yıkama makinesi, halı yıkama makineleri, hali yikama makinesi, hali yikama makineleri, hali yikama makinasi, hali yikama makinalari
Posted by: halı yıkama makinaları | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 12:53 PM
Deniz araçlarının yanaştığı genel olarak tahtadan yada betondan yapılmış, denizin içerisine doğru uzayıp giden yerlere iskele denir. Deniz üzerine kurulan bu iskeleye deniz iskeleleri adı verilmiştir.
Deniz iskelesi imalatı ile birlikte montaj işlemlerini profesyonel eleman kadrolarımız ile her isteğe uygun olarak cazip fiyatlar ile sizlere hizmet vermekteyiz.
Teom Çelik Yapı 2008 yılı itibariyle deniz iskeleleri alanında faaliyetine izmirde başlamıştır. Deniz iskesi, çelik yapı tasarımları, çelik yapı uygulaması üzerine çalışmaları daima devam etmektedir. Teom Çelik Yapı firması olarak sizlere en iyi hizmeti vermek amacı ile bazı ilkeler edinmiştir. İşte deniz iskelesi faaliyeti alanındaki ilkelerimiz ;
- Denizi kirletmeden
- Kıyılarınıza ve koylarınıza zarar vermeden
- Sağlam
- Uzun ömürlü
- Estetik tasarımlar
Deniz iskelesi hizmetlerimiz doğaya zarar vermeden yapılmaktadır. Deniz iskeleleri imalatı çalışmalarındaki kadrolaşmış ekibimiz ile kıyı yapılarında bu alanda uzman mühendis, teknikerler, ustalar, dalgıçlar ve işiçilerden oluşturulmuş güçlü bir personel potansiyeline sahiptir.
Teom Çelik Yapı deniz iskelesi alanı dışarısında bazı farklı alanlardada faaliyet göstermektedir.
- Çelik Yapı Hazır Konutları
- Deniz İçi Güneşlenme İskeleleri
Bu çalışmalar için önceden hazırlık yapan firmamız deniz temizleme işleriylede ilgilenmektedir. Teom Çelik Yapı şirketinin Deniz iskele, çelik yapılar, deniz temizleme işleri profesyonel olarak itina ile yapılmaktadır
Posted by: deniz iskele | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 12:54 PM
İzmir şömine merkezi olarak onart şömine, sektöründe öncü firmalardan bir tanesidir. Şömine üretimine izmir üzerinden başlayan onart İmalatını yaptığı şömine haznesi ile motaj esnasındaki faaliyetlerde mekanın özelliklerini geniş çaplı bir şekilde inceleyerek şömine kaplama seçenekleri ile dizayn tasarımları ile temalaştırıp müşterisine en iyi hizmeti vermeyi amaçlayan izmir şömine firmasıdır. Onart şömine sadece ısınma faaliyetleriyle kalmıyor, fonksiyonel yaklaşımları ile ortamın havasını değiştirecek, ev içi prestiji yüksek tutacak ana elemanları sizlerle buluşturuyor.
Onart Şömine farklı tasarım modelleri ile her istek ve ihtiyaç doğrultusunda şömine imalatı yapabilmektedir. Ayrıca ürünlerinde yüksek teknoloji ürünlerini kullanarak, daima yeniliklere açık yüksek kalitede şömine hazneleri ile ekipmanları, şömine kaplamarı ile şömine aksesuarları alanında faaliyet göstererek emin adımlarla ilerlemektedir.
Kullanıcılarına şömine üzerinde en çok ihtiyaç gereksinimi duyulacak kullanışlı, portatif, bir çok fonksiyonu olan teknik ayrıntılara özgün yaklaşımları ile cevap vermiş ayrıca şömine izmir faaliyetlerinde normal uygulamar, çift cidar, iki kat ısıtma sistem, 2+1 ısıtma sistemi ve sulu şömine sistemleri sayesinde birçok ürün yelpazesini içerisinde bulundurarak geniş bir çözüm yolu sunmaktadır.
Standart olarak üretilen haznelerin dışında mekanlara sizlerin zevkinize göre ihtiyaçınızıda en iyi şekilde karşılayacak biçimde izmir şömine merkezi olanak sağlıyor
Posted by: izmir somine | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 12:54 PM
İmalâttan, uygulamaya şömine çözümleri
İmalâtını yaptığımız şömine hazneleri, uygulama aşamasında mekân özelliklerini göz önüne alarak şöminenin kaplama seçimi, tasarımı ve uygulamada müşteri memnuniyetini ön plana çıkararak şömineyle ısınma fonksiyonuyla birlikte uygulandığı ortamın havasını değiştiren, evinizin prestijini sağlayacak ana elemanı yapıyoruz.
Onart Şömine yüksek kalitede şömine hazneleri ve ekipmanları, şömine kaplamaları, şömine aksesuarlar üretmektedir.
Şömine kullanıcılarının en fazla ihtiyaç duyduğu kullanışlı, çok fonksiyonlu teknik ayrıntılara özen gösterilmiş normal uygulamalar, çift cidar, ikinci kat ısıtma, 2+1 ısıtma, sulu şömine sistemlerini seçenek olarak değerlendirebilirsiniz.
Standart şömine haznelerinin dışında mekâna, özelliklere ve talepler doğrultusunda özel şömine hazneleri üretimi yapmaktayız
Posted by: izmir somine | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 12:55 PM
Kereviz yemeği tarifi ve hazırlanışı hakkında size yardımcı olacağız lütfen dikkatlice okuyunuz. 4 kişilik bir kereviz yemeği için kullanılması gerekilen malzemeler ;
Kereviz yemeği mazlemeri ;
2 Tane Normal Boy Kereviz
1 Tane Normal Boy Patates
1 Adet pırasa bunun yerine 1 tane soğanda olabilir
2 Tane havuç
Biraz Haşlanmış Nokut
1 Kaşık salça
Pul Biber
Kereviz Yemek Yapılışı ;
İlk olarak kereviz ile patatesleri soyun ve kara kere kesin. Havuçla birlikte pırasayı halkalar şekilinde doğrayın. Tecereye sıvı yağ ilave edip bütün sebzeleri güzelce kavurun. Daha sonra içerisine salça, tuz ve biber ekleyip en son olarak ilave ettiğiniz sebzeleri üste çıkaracak kadar sıcak su koyun ve pişirmeye devam edin.
Ek olarak kereviz yaprakları alabilirsiniz. Bunun yanında sevis için bulgur pilavı ile yoğurt yanında koyabilirsiniz. İşte size çok hafif ve leziz bir sebze yemeği
Posted by: kereviz yemeği | Tuesday, September 01, 2009 at 12:56 PM
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Posted by: Long Beach Business Services And Classifieds | Friday, November 27, 2009 at 08:53 AM
it doesn’t mean that they cannot learn MSETF quickly. They can. However, they are (by and large) not aware of what is there (useful) to learn from the Western and the mainstream European way of thinking to solve problems.
Posted by: hidrolik | Tuesday, December 01, 2009 at 05:15 PM
Thank site
Posted by: halı yıkama makinası | Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 04:01 PM
good nice post
Posted by: sandalye | Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 04:02 PM
masa ve sandalye
Posted by: sandalye | Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM
halı yıkama makinası - halı yıkama makinaları
Posted by: halı yıkama makinası | Saturday, December 26, 2009 at 12:40 PM
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One can't compare the two because the Chinese growth story started from the 70s whereas India's growth story started from the 90s. Which means China have amassed much more capital reserves than India has. Besides I hate to admit that their system of decision making, execution etc is far more efficient than India's. In India it is pain-stakingly tedious, slow and bureaucratic. Having said that I believe in time India will catch up and match in the mights of China's infrastructure, system etc.
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Posted by: halı yıkama makinası | Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at 09:23 AM
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How China thinks is unknown.
Posted by: Lazer Epilasyon Ankara | Wednesday, March 31, 2010 at 11:36 AM
This is a very interesting post and it is great to start dialog on why people think the way they do. More research should be done on this topic.
Posted by: Propellerhat | Monday, April 05, 2010 at 04:48 PM